These are the handcrafts made by the students of 1A Natile's secondary school during Mrs Emanuela Zappia, technology teacher😎
It's a pencil case by Stefano F.
Nice pencil case by Adele P.

made by Michelle B. e Paola S.

nice handcraft by Marika

a lovely lamp by Maria V.

a nice vase by

nice handcraft by Giusy T.

lovely lamp by Maria V.

nice pencilcase by Francesco C.

nice vase by Umberto G.

Nice handcraft by Pietro Condò
Congratulations to the teacher and the students🌍 we support Sustainable development at school😊🖒🖒🖒
RispondiEliminaManuela Raschellà
Che belli questi lavori che fate a scuola! Co gratulations alla prof. Zappia Emanuela 🖒
RispondiEliminaThank you teacher!
Top top top! We love this school.
RispondiEliminaBy Antonella and Domy
Congratulations And think always green
RispondiEliminaYeeeessss! We love green tecnology🌍
RispondiEliminaCongratulations Teacher Emanuela zappia
RispondiEliminaQuesto sito che la creato la nostra professoressa, era stato fatto così per noi ragazzi/e di Benestare ma poi e diventato famoso tante grazie alla prof raschella