21 november is Arbor day ( Arbor from Latin : albero) celebrated all over the world .

All the students and teachers of Benestare secondary school worked : into the classroom we created some posters and we had a debate about it. Then we planted a tree outside our school.

In this day individuals and groups are encouraged to plant trees.
All the students and teachers of Benestare secondary school worked : into the classroom we created some posters and we had a debate about it. Then we planted a tree outside our school.
Nel giorno dell'albero, celebrato in tutto il mondo vengono incoraggiate sia le singole persone che i gruppi a piantare albero.
Ecco cosa abbiamo fatto noi della scuola secondaria di Benestare (RC).
Poi fuori abbiamo piantato un albero di ulivo.

What a beautiful day!
RispondiEliminaQuella giornata e stata bellissima e ci siamo divertiti moltissimo
RispondiEliminaBy Lorenzo Varacalli 3A di Benestare
I like arbor day. It's very funky!!😁
RispondiEliminamariachiara is always beautiful!By Dani and Cate
RispondiElimina3A Benestare
Thank you so much dear Dani and Cate,
Eliminayou are always very kind with me.
by Mariachiara 3A Benestare
I am Francesco 3A Benestare. E' stato molto bello e divertente.
RispondiEliminaVery nice and we enjoyed ourselves.
I like "Arbor Day"
RispondiEliminaBy Vincenzo 3A Benestare
Sono Egle di Benestare,
RispondiEliminaIt was a very beautiful activity.
bye bye Egle
I am Bruno from Benestare 3A
RispondiEliminaE' stata una giornata meravigliosa.
Ci siamo divertiti tanto.
It was a wonderful day. We enjoyed very much.
I am Fortunata from Benestare.
RispondiEliminaQuella giornata è stata divertentissima e bellissima. Ci siamo divertiti un mondo.
Bye bye Fortunata
We spent a really beauty day doing a lot of things for the "Albor day 2018". I' m so thankful to all the teacher for this amazing experience, because they teach to us the respect and the protection of the trees and nature. Kisses by Michela 3A Benestare
RispondiEliminaHi, I'm Harjot,
RispondiEliminaI'm in Benestare school and like trees festival.
It was nice to plant a tree in our school.
Thank you very much.
Hello I'm Harsh from 3A Benestare,
RispondiEliminathis day was amazing and I am very happy and very enjoying.
Good morning teacher i planted with my classmate one three
RispondiEliminaRemember to write I with capital letter.
EliminaBye bye
We are 3A class in Benestare.
RispondiEliminaWe are the best class in the world and we wish you a nice weekend.
Che bella giornata! What a beautiful day!
Thank you teachers of Benestare!
RispondiEliminaE stata una bellissima giornata!!It was a beautiful!!